
Exploring materials that symbolise the Capitalocene which often brings back memories of my childhood years in Soviet-occupied Latvia, life in Wales and Japan. 

Making frocks of blue carrier bags, holding tea-drinking parties with tea made from the secondary or tertiary brew, and audio recording sounds of consumer goods being utilised in various domestic rituals of thrift and reuse. Staring the consumer waste right into the face, personalising it, and thus meditating on the notions of scarcity and abundance. 

Without any hierarchies using materials found at home and playfully reflecting on concepts such as consumerism, sustainability and geopolitics as a mirror to where I was born, grew up, live now, and thus drawing, casting, painting possible future contours. Literally adding almost unbearable weight in jesmonite to a carrier bag or hammering shopping bags in metal, thus dramatising issues that bear me down and, in contrast, organising easy-going gatherings for people to connect and exchange their stories. 

Creating wearable sculptures from ubiquitous and environmentally inimical materials such as a blue carrier bag. Creating a second skin with it and wearing it to the Carnival of Crises. Also, rediscovering my passion for pre-Christian Latvian traditions which in the USSR were a source of resistance and rebelliousness as well as nature worship in Japanese Shintoism. Taking consumer goods and materials for a spin in kind of Shamanic carnivalesque rituals or exploring their function and materiality to create their spirit-summoning entities, thus satirically exposing them as part of ‘the society of the spectacle’.


BA Japanese & Law, SOAS, UCL (1998)

BA Fine Art, Central St Martins, UAL (2024)

2021 - group exhibition ‘almost a virgin’, Amulets Gallery, Coventry

2021 - organiser and participant in ‘Pilgrimage Art Walk I’, London

2021 - participant in ‘Pilgrimage Art Walk II’, London

2022 - collaborative group exhibition ‘leftovers’, CSM, London

2022 - group exhibition ‘Beyond Green: The Age of Adjustment’, Chelsea College of Arts, London

2022 - performance group exhibition ‘Touched’, National Gallery, London

2022 - group exhibition ‘In Medias Res’, Greatorex Street, London

2023 - group exhibition ‘Encrypted Incantations’, Koppel Project, London

2024 - group exhibition ‘Re-prise’, Koppel Project, London

2024 - group exhibition ‘Stance’, Sweet Art, London